Steven Fralix Software Developer

We all have vast potential inside of us, untapped levels of strength, intelligence, and focus,
and the key to activating these superpowers is unlimiting yourself.

-Jim Kwik

Hello, I'm Steven Fralix. Welcome to my portfolio website.

I am a full stack developer with experience in Python and the Django Framework,
and C# and the .NET Framework.

I enjoy music, drums, dogs, health/fitness, nature, and people.
Thank you for stopping by and don't hesitate to reach out!

Picture of me
What can we build together?
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
I am a full stack developer,
trained in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Python logo
the popular programming language Python,
C# logo
C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, MVC,
SQL logo
back end development, databases and SQL.

Cool desktop setup


I am a full stack software developer and a graduate of The Tech Academy's Software Developer Boot Camp, trained and experienced in the following web and programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, C# and more.
Playing music from a young age, I have learned to be persistent, and that learning is a lifelong journey. Music has taught me to be creative and open-minded, and that discipline will bring rewards.
Throughout this journey, I have learned and enjoyed the benefits of collaboration. What can we create together? Contact


View my coding projects on my GitHub Profile:




Steven Fralix

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Steven Fralix

GitHub Logo
